▲ Vehicles rushing to protesters condemning hate crimes

In the wake of the Atlanta shooting in which eight people, including six Asian people, including Koreans, were killed, a rally condemning Asian hate crimes spread in the United States, and hate crimes aimed at these protesters appeared, and the U.S. police launched an investigation.

Local broadcaster KTLA reported on the 22nd in local time that the police began an investigation after a man driving a vehicle and rushing at a protester to protest hate crimes in Los Angeles County, USA.

According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office, protesters marched at a hate crime condemnation rally in Diamondbashi, California, on the 21st, and when they tried to cross a road junction, a man drove a car and rushed toward the protesters twice.

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Office said no one was injured in the accident, but said drivers made racist remarks, such as swearing at protesters and slandering China, and said there is a potential for hate crimes.

Along with this, an assault case aimed at protesters to protest hate crimes occurred in New York, and the police dedicated to hate crimes launched an investigation, according to NBC.

According to police, the victim was assaulted by a man on the morning of the 21st while walking down the street to attend a rally holding a sign condemning a hate crime.

New York police revealed the suspect's impressions, and said a TF dedicated to hate crimes was under investigation.

(Photo = Twitter video capture, Yonhap News)