The areas of the body where you are most likely to feel stress are the neck and shoulder, and over time this can lead to chronic pain and other health problems.

Angela M. Bell has provided some tips and techniques that you can use to help release tension in your neck and shoulders.

Angela says, when you experience a stressful event or an anxiety attack, your muscles sometimes contract forcefully, and this is an automatic reaction known as a stress response, and you may also notice other physical symptoms when you are tense such as a rapid heart rate, rapid breathing, cold skin, sweating, and it can Constant muscle tension in your neck and shoulders leads to more serious problems such as back and shoulder pain, body pain, migraines and tension headaches.

So what can you do to relieve stress-related neck and shoulder pain?

It is not easy to prevent the muscle strain in the neck and shoulder associated with stress, but there are strategies that may help relieve muscle tension, here are exercises you can do daily:

Neck lift

Stand upright, with your left arm at your side, place your right hand on your head with your fingers pointing to the left side, and gently pull your head toward the right side until you feel a stretch in the left side of your neck.

Hold for 20 to 30 seconds, repeat on the left side.

Free the neck

Stand upright with your arms at your sides, lower your head and lower your chin towards your chest, tilt your head gently toward the right side and pause for 30 seconds. You should feel a stretch in the left side of your neck. Return your head to the center and lift it to the starting position.

Do this 3 to 5 times on each side.

Child placement

It is a popular relaxing yoga pose.

Sit on your hands and knees with your palms on the floor, wrists under the shoulders, and knees under the thighs.

Sit on your heels, extend your spine, and move your hands in front of you, make sure to stop at the thighs, lean forward and keep your arms extended in front of you.

Do this for 60 to 90 seconds, 2 to 3 times.

Other neck and shoulder lift options

  • Relax in a warm bath and add a few drops of aromatherapy oil.

  • Try to keep the computer at eye level to avoid straining the neck.

  • Stay away from your desk for a few minutes every hour.

  • At night, use a pillow that provides good support for your neck.

  • Stay away from your office for a few minutes every hour to get rid of neck pain (German News Agency)

    Skills to get rid of cramps and insomnia

    When stress becomes overwhelming, it can negatively affect your health, so it's important to have a variety of stress relief tools at your disposal.


    Breathing techniques can calm your body and mind in just a few minutes. Try to breathe through your nose and watch your stomach fill with air. Slowly count to 3 while inhaling. Wait for 1 second and then exhale slowly through your nose counting to 3 again.


    You can do this exercise in a matter of minutes, as it puts you in a different frame of mind. Walking is a simple but effective way to rejuvenate your mind and body.


    Aromatherapy has real stress relief benefits, as aromatherapy reduces the release of stress hormones in the body.

    Artistic hobbies

    Try to regain your passion for artistic work again, and if you are not interested in drawing, consider painting, as it is a great way to get rid of tension that is reflected in the form of pain in the shoulder and neck.


    Eating a healthy diet can help you fight stress in the long term, more than eating eggs, avocados and nuts, if it helps regulate mood.

    You should also talk to your doctor if you feel frustrated or anxious for more than a few weeks, or if it starts to interfere with your home or work life, pointing out that there are things you can learn to deal with stress before it becomes too much.

    Eating a healthy diet helps you combat stress and its physical effects (Deutsche Welle)


    Physical activity helps improve your sleep, just be careful not to exercise close to bedtime, and among the most prominent exercises that relieve shoulder and neck pain are swimming, cycling, and aerobic exercise.

    It can increase your stress level, so follow a daily routine that helps you get rid of insomnia, go out in the sunlight, drink less caffeine before bedtime, do not look at your electronic devices 30 or 60 minutes before bed.