The first milkshake recipe, which dates from the end of the 19th century, has little to do with the one we know today.

At the time, milkshake was an invigorating and energizing drink made with alcohol, whiskey, and ... eggs.

The milkshake is a timeless drink.

A classic to enjoy with friends, preferably in the sun.

Everyone loves milkshakes.

And yet, the milkshake did not always have the taste we know it today.

Our columnist Olivier Poels tells us his story.

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The first traces of the word "milkshake" in American newspapers date back to the year 1885. At the time, the milkshake was an invigorating and energizing drink made from alcohol, whiskey, and eggs, which the mix with ice cubes using a shaker.

Ten years later, in 1900, milkshake lovers had the idea of ​​adding syrup to it for a more pleasant taste: chocolate, vanilla or strawberry.

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1911 and 1922, two key dates in the history of the milkshake

In 1911, the American company Hamilton Beach invented the mixer, or blender.

It's a small revolution in the world of milkshakes.

Thanks to this technology which makes it possible to emulsify the milkshake, the latter will gain in lightness.

It becomes much more foamy and airy, and therefore much more pleasant to consume.

The drugstore chain Walgreens had the idea, in 1922, to add ice cream to the milkshake and sell it.

It is an immediate success.

The recipe will remain the one still used today: a mixture of ice cream, milk and syrup or fruit, with whipped cream supplement for the more greedy.

The recipe for the most famous milkshake, the vanilla one

1. Mix 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream (preferably bought from an ice cream maker), 10 cl of very cold milk and 1 tablespoon of vanilla syrup

2. Add whipped cream on top and some "toppings" (like chocolate shavings)

3. Serve in a tall glass with a straw

4. Enjoy!