
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - The FDP member of parliament Anna von Treuenfels-Frowein wants to go to the Bundestag.

"I have decided to run for second place on the list of the Hamburg FDP for the federal election," said the 58-year-old.

"In this way I can bring my many years of experience in Hamburg's state politics, my fame in the city and also my networking in Berlin as a member of the FDP federal board."

The Elbe Liberals want to set up the list of candidates for the federal election in September at an online party congress on April 24 and also redefine the state executive.

The previous head of the state and member of the Bundestag, Katja Suding, announced her retirement from politics last September.

For the state chairmanship and first place on the list candidate from Treuenfels-Frowein's former co-chairman in the old parliamentary group, Michael Kruse.

He had thrown his hat in the ring earlier this month.


In the 2017 federal election, the Hamburg FDP Suding and Wandsbeker Wieland Schinnenburg bought the ticket to Berlin via the state list.

With her candidacy for second place, she also wanted to "support a strong top candidate in order to give weight to the Hamburg liberals in Berlin," said von Treuenfels.

Since the general election in February of last year, in which she won a direct mandate in Blankenese, while her FDP failed because of the five percent hurdle, von Treuenfels alone has held up the Liberals' flag in the city parliament.

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