
Denkendorf (dpa / lby) - After the pile-up on Autobahn 9 with 18 injured, a person continues to be in mortal danger.

The police confirmed on Saturday.

In the accident involving 65 vehicles near Ingolstadt on Friday, a total of three people were seriously injured and 15 people were slightly injured.

Due to the adverse weather conditions, there were further accidents with injuries on Friday.

So also on the Autobahn 8 near Augsburg.

There, three trucks, a van and nine cars collided with each other, as the fire department announced on Saturday.

Six people were injured in the accident, some of them moderately severe.

There was also a rear-end collision with ten vehicles involved on Autobahn 92 near Moosthenning (Dingolfing-Landau district).

According to the police, a truck switched to the left lane without paying attention to the traffic behind.

As a result, a car driving on the left lane had to brake heavily, whereupon the following cars could no longer brake in time.

Five people were slightly injured in the rear-end collision.

The truck that police said had caused the accident continued driving without caring about the collision.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210320-99-898938 / 2

Notification from the police in Lower Bavaria