
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - The seven-day incidence in Hamburg rose again significantly with 336 new corona infections registered on Saturday.

It is now 115.3 and thus over 100 for the fourth day in a row, as the health authority announced.

On Friday the incidence, i.e. the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days, was still 108.6, in the two days before it was 105.4 and 100.9.

Even after the generally somewhat lower figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Hamburg has now reached the important threshold of 100.

Because the incidence, according to Hamburg data, has already exceeded the 100 threshold on three consecutive days, stricter corona rules have been in effect in Hamburg again since Saturday.

The number of detected new infections fell by 64 on Saturday compared to Friday, but is 126 cases above the value a week ago.

According to the RKI, the number of corona deaths in Hamburg increased by one to 1,343.

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, it has been proven that 57,002 Hamburgers have been infected with Sars-CoV-2;

50,800 of them are now considered to have recovered.


According to the authorities, as of Friday, 241 corona patients were being cared for in the city's hospitals, two fewer than on Thursday.

The number of intensive care patients rose by one to 90. The number of those vaccinated at least once rose from Thursday to Friday by 3073 to 167 855, the number of those who had already been vaccinated twice by 1182 to 76 805 women and men.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210320-99-899974 / 2

Corona numbers Hamburg


RKI numbers

RKI dashboard

RKI vaccination rates


Divi intensive register

Information on rapid tests

Information on corona vaccination

KBV platform Impfterminservice.de