
Klingenthal (AP) - The Norwegian Jarl Magnus Riiber has won the overall Nordic Combined World Cup for the third time in his career.

On Saturday, the 23-year-old yellow bearer prevailed in Klingenthal after a large hill jump and the following ten-kilometer run ahead of the Japanese Akito Watabe and won his eighth win of the season in the first race after the World Championships in Oberstdorf.

With 1040 points and only one remaining individual on Sunday (11.00 a.m. and 2.45 p.m.), Riiber can now finally no longer be ousted from the top.

In the past two years, Riiber had already clearly prevailed in the prestigious overall ranking.

Austria's world champion Johannes Lamparter completed the podium in third place.

Watabe, second of the day, shortened the gap to Vinzenz Geiger in the World Cup, who did not get beyond 15th place.

The decision on second place in the overall World Cup will not be made until the competition on Sunday.

Manuel Faißt in fourth, Johannes Rydzek in sixth as well as Fabian Rießle (9th) and Eric Frenzel (10th) made it into the top ten on Saturday.

Klingenthal stood in for Schonach at short notice for the season finale because there was an acute lack of snow in the Black Forest.


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World Cup total

Schedule in Klingenthal


Live result

F sharp profile Riiber