
Frankfurt (Oder) (dpa) - The Brandenburg AfD moves into the federal election campaign with its honorary chairman Alexander Gauland.

The AfD parliamentary group leader in the Bundestag was elected to number 1 on the AfD state list at the state party conference in Frankfurt (Oder) on Saturday.

The 80-year-old received 192 of the 290 valid votes of the party members.

The Bundestag member René Springer came in second with 172 votes.

The Bundestag member Steffen Kotré achieved third place with 165 votes.

A total of 12 places are to be filled on the state list.

A runoff election is necessary for this because none of the remaining 25 candidates achieved the required simple majority in the first ballot.

In the runoff election in the evening, 13 candidates competed for the remaining 9 places.

Among them is Norbert Kleinwächter, member of the Bundestag, who finished fourth in the first ballot with 136 votes.

In the 2017 federal election, five AfD MPs from Brandenburg were drawn into the Bundestag via the state list.

In the election, the AfD had 12.6 percent of the second vote.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210320-99-905013 / 2

AfD Brandenburg on list of candidates for the federal election in 2021
