
Spangenberg / Kassel (dpa / lhe) - In the case of the 53-year-old woman found dead in the Schwalm-Eder district, a 24-year-old suspect was arrested in the Netherlands.

As the police and the public prosecutor announced on Friday, the 24-year-old turned himself in to the police on Tuesday night in The Hague, "apparently due to the high pressure of a search."

The suspect was wanted by a European arrest warrant.

The 24-year-old man is alleged to have killed the 53-year-old.

According to the police, he is now in a prison in the Netherlands.

An extradition to Germany had been requested, it said.

According to the police, the man was a roommate of the 53-year-olds.

He lived with the woman in an apartment, said a spokesman on Friday.

During the autopsy, investigators had found that the woman had fallen victim to a violent crime.


The police had started the search for the roommate after finding the body last Thursday.

A witness discovered the dead woman in her apartment in an apartment building in Spangenberg.

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