
Lauscha (dpa / th) - Christmas tree decorations from Lauscha are part of the intangible cultural heritage of Unesco.

The traditionally hand-made and hand-blown glass jewelry is entered in the nationwide register of intangible cultural heritage.

That was decided at the Conference of Ministers of Culture, said Thuringia's Minister of Culture Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff (left) on Friday.

The suggestion for this came from the Lauschaer Heimat- und Geschichtsverein and the Lauschaer Tourismus Stammtisch.

That shows how inventive spirit shapes the Thuringian cultural landscape.

Almost 200 years ago, out of necessity, a form of culture emerged that still embodies traditional glass art today.

"Glass works of art from Lauscha are famous far beyond Thuringia and have conquered Christmas trees worldwide as an international export hit," emphasized Hoff.

Experts assume around 5000 different forms.

To this day, the Christmas tree decorations are produced by family-run craft businesses in Lauscha.

With the Lauscha Christmas tree decorations, Thuringia is now represented in the nationwide directory with a total of four cultural forms.

The Skat game from Altenburg, the Eisenach summer win and the Heiligenstadt Palm Sunday procession have already been recorded.


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