
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The corona vaccinations with the Astrazeneca agent have started again in Schleswig-Holstein.

"The first sentiment from the vaccination centers is really positive," said Health Minister Heiner Garg (FDP) on Friday.

Almost everyone at the vaccination center in Kiel had come to their appointments.

Even in other vaccination centers, only a few people would not have noticed this.

"That shows the great willingness to vaccinate in Schleswig-Holstein."

Only in Neumünster was a fifth of the appointments missed in the morning.

A total of about 2,600 people were written to on Thursday about the restart of the vaccination with the Astrazeneca agent.

In the north, 8,500 appointments were canceled after vaccinations were stopped Tuesday through Thursday due to reports of side effects.

On Thursday, however, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) reiterated its assessment of the safety of the corona vaccine.

Those affected should now receive new appointments for the period from March 29th to April 11th by email.

Garg was cautiously optimistic that the appointments with Astrazeneca that had already been allocated by the end of April could be met.

"But we would not be able to withstand further reductions in delivery quantities," said Garg.


Up to and including Thursday, more than 266,000 people in Schleswig-Holstein had received an initial vaccination with one of the three approved vaccines.

That corresponds to a vaccination rate of 9.2 percent, said Garg.

The state was above the national average of 8.5 percent.

A good 100,000 people from Schleswig-Holstein have already received their second vaccination.

That corresponded to a rate of 3.5 percent.

Garg appealed: "All people who are over 80 years of age or older and have not yet made an appointment should do so now."

Within the coming week, the country plans to open afternoon appointments for everyone in Priority Groups 1 and 2.

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