• Former Ilva, Council of State rejects ArcelorMittal's suspensive request


19 March 2021 In the next few hours there will be the shutdown of further plants at the former Ilva steel plant in Taranto.

This was announced by the unitary trade union representatives Fim, Fiom and Uil, referring to a communication received from the company.

In the evening, the unions asked for government intervention in a note.

"The stop, in fact, suspends the scheduled restarts", say the representatives of the trade unions.

"The stops will concern Steel Plant 1, where today there was a garrison of workers who could have guaranteed the eventual restart, but from tomorrow the department will stop and all the staff will be placed on layoffs", they explain.

"For the Ewr department, in recent weeks the company had started the procedures for restarting with the entry of maintenance personnel, but these activities will also be suspended pending new directives", the unions continue.

"As regards the Pla / 2, the restart of the sheet train was scheduled for the eleventh week, however at the moment the plant restart date is not known. While for the Tna / 2 it will be postponed to next week, following a sudden stops due to plant problems, the restart of the conveyor train 2.

Finally, for central maintenance and warehouses, the company has already communicated an increase in the number of workers placed on layoffs for a total of 250. To these will be added other staff in proportion to the stops indicated above ", say the union representatives.

"It is quite evident that the company is in a state of absolute chaos, that it is unable to plan production and continues to manage such a complex factory, neglecting the aspects of safety, the environment and plant maintenance. The government intervenes immediately. ", they conclude.