
Schwerin (dpa / mv) - Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania resumes vaccinations with the preparation from Astrazeneca after the positive vote of the European Medicines Agency EMA.

The vaccination could start on Friday, said Health Minister Harry Glawe (CDU) on Thursday evening.

The country's call center is now taking care of appointments for people whose appointments have been postponed due to the suspension of vaccinations.

"Those affected are called directly by the call center," explained Glawe.

Existing vaccination appointments remained valid.

If you belong to priority group two and have not yet had an appointment, you can call the call center from next Wednesday and make an appointment.

According to Glawe, the information sheets that are filled out before vaccination will have to be adapted to the new requirements in the coming days.

A warning about rare blood clots (thromboses) should be included.


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