
Erfurt (dpa / th) - A commission is to be set up in the diocese of Erfurt to deal with cases of sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

Bishop Ulrich Neymeyr and Vicar General Raimund Beck, among others, will report today in Erfurt how this is composed and what specific tasks it will take on.

Previously, the German bishops had agreed to deal with sexual abuse in the church comprehensively and independently.

In 2018, in connection with a study commissioned by the German Bishops' Conference, the diocese reported on cases of abuse that had occurred between 1946 and 2014 in the area of ​​today's diocese.

Priests had therefore exercised sexual violence against at least ten boys and two girls.

In addition, there was talk of other cases in which six church employees without consecration allegedly committed offenses against 15 girls and 3 boys during this period.

Vicar General Beck had said at the time that he was assuming a higher number of unreported cases.

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Diocese of Erfurt