
Hamburg (dpa / lno) - In Schleswig-Holstein, corona vaccinations with the agent from Astrazeneca are to be administered again from Friday.

Health minister Heiner Garg announced on Thursday evening in Kiel that vaccination appointments that have already been canceled are valid again and canceled ones will be made up.

The background to the decision is the assessment of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) that the benefits of vaccinations with Astrazeneca continue to outweigh the risks associated with vaccination.

In the evening, the Federal Ministry of Health and the Standing Vaccination Commission joined the EMA assessment.

"It is right and important that a technically sound test is the basis for continuing the vaccination," said Garg.

Schleswig-Holstein is following the requirements of the European and national specialist authorities and will resume vaccinations on Friday.

"That is good news for the vaccination progress and thus for the protection of all citizens."

Germany and other EU countries stopped using the vaccine after reports of side effects.

According to information from the ministry, there was also a case of a cerebral vein thrombosis in a clinic in Schleswig-Holstein in connection with an Astrazeneca vaccination.

The affected patient is now on the mend, it said.


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