Stefan Löfven is strongly critical of the fact that the Moderate leader Ulf Kristersson has opened up for a government collaboration with the Sweden Democrats after the election next year.

According to the Prime Minister, the Moderates and party leader Ulf Kristersson have been approaching the Sweden Democrats more and more in recent years, which worries him.

- Kristersson has allowed himself to be dragged along over the years, he says and adds that the Moderates have broken their previous promise not to cooperate or talk with the Sweden Democrats.

- It was a sacred promise in the 2018 election.

Opens for agreement with the Sweden Democrats

Stefan Löfven's criticism comes after an interview that Ulf Kristersson did in Göteborgsposten last week.

In the interview, Kristersson opened, among other things, to sign a kind of contract with the Sweden Democrats to secure their support for a Moderate-led government after the 2022 election. Ulf Kristersson also said that the Sweden Democrats will not get ministerial posts in his government but do not want to exclude officials from the Sweden Democrats in the government office .

High price for cooperation

Stefan Löfven is worried about Kristersson's statements and says that a collaboration with the Sweden Democrats can come with a high price as the party will not support Kristersson as prime minister without getting really paid for it.

They may even demand undemocratic reforms, Stefan Löfven believes.

- I'm worried about that, he says.

The Prime Minister further states that if you start a collaboration with the Sweden Democrats, then you take a "real risk", also democratically.

- Kristersson should not think that the Sweden Democrats lie down and say do as you please.

They will not do that and then there is danger on the way for our country, he says.