
Jena (dpa / th) - After riots with numerous shop windows smashed in downtown Jena, the municipality has now offered a reward of 3000 euros for relevant information.

"We are doing everything we can to support the police in their work to clarify the breach of the peace," said security department Benjamin Koppe (CDU) on Wednesday, according to a message from the city.

Politically motivated crime is not tolerated in Jena.

On Sunday night, around 20 hooded people rioted through Jena.

In Löbderstrasse in particular, shop windows were destroyed, firecrackers detonated and facades sprayed with black paint.

According to initial estimates by the police, damage amounting to 70,000 to 80,000 euros is assumed.

According to the Thuringian Interior Minister Georg Maier (SPD), the destruction in Jena is a politically motivated act.

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Communication from the city of Jena