
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - Dortmund's Lord Mayor Thomas Westphal has criticized the state's adherence to the return of all age groups to schools as too risky.

To stop the issue of the Astrazeneca vaccine and at the same time to open the schools is "incomprehensible," said the SPD politician on Wednesday in the WDR morning echo.

The more contagious B.1.1.7 variant of the corona virus has taken over the helm in the infection process.

"We can now see: Children are the greatest risk of infection," said Westphal.

That is why the city of Dortmund applied to the state to be allowed to close all of their schools immediately.

That was rejected on Tuesday.

The mayor emphasized that the city had addressed Health Minister Karl-Josef Laumman (CDU) in his "preventive role".

The fact that only a few days before the Easter break all students were returning to the classrooms on a daily basis was “not justifiable in terms of the risk”.

When Laumann argues with incidences, "he argues backwards".


Laumann had previously emphasized in the WDR: The principle is that lessons should take place in the classrooms in presence, as far as this is justifiable.

With an incidence of over 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days, a tightening of the measures will be examined.

Dortmund had a value of 72 on Tuesday and also did not present an “overall concept”.

Westphal said that with the steadily increasing number of infections, dramatic numbers threatened in NRW without school closings after the Easter holidays.

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