
Bad Kreuznach (dpa / lrs) - A car drove through an empty bus stop waiting building in Bad Kreuznach, destroyed a street lamp and then hurled it down a slope.

There the car was then left on the roof on Tuesday evening, the police said.

The 35-year-old driver had 1.52 per mille.

He was slightly injured, there were no other injuries.

The police suspect that the man went off the road at the level of the swimming pool because of the alcohol.

The 35-year-old has now lost his driver's license for the time being, a blood sample was taken.

The police said that criminal proceedings are now awaiting him because of a risk to traffic.

The damage is estimated at 35,000 euros.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210317-99-853998 / 2


Police notice with photos