
Magdeburg (dpa / sa) - The corona rules in Saxony-Anhalt will remain unchanged until at least next Tuesday despite the increased number of infections.

"Nothing will be closed or opened until March 23," said a government spokesman on Tuesday after a cabinet meeting.

One exception is the suspension of compulsory attendance at secondary schools, which was decided on Tuesday.

The state government wants to wait for several rounds of talks between the federal and state levels as well as further findings on the Astrazeneca vaccine before deciding on how to proceed, the spokesman said.

A meeting of the Prime Minister's Conference (MPK) is scheduled for Thursday, followed by the federal and state vaccination summit on Friday.

Next Monday, the federal and state governments want to join forces for their next corona round.

On the following Tuesday, the state government should then adopt the follow-up regulations for the Corona state ordinance in a next cabinet meeting.

The current regulation expires on March 28th.

In view of the recent increase in the number of infections, the federal government had called on the states to tighten the corona rules again.


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