
Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) - The North Rhine-Westphalian judiciary is currently “hoarding” a small fortune of confiscated Bitcoins and is preparing to auction them.

The amount of digital cryptocurrency seized recently corresponded to a low double-digit million amount in euros, the NRW Ministry of Justice informed the Legal Committee on Tuesday.

The Bitcoin rate is subject to strong fluctuations.

The country wants to convert the digital currency into real euros.

But for this to happen, the legal and digital prerequisites must first be created.

So far, Bitcoins have only been released in an "emergency sale" in favor of the judicial coffers: In 2017, this flushed exactly 308.14 euros into the state coffers.

In the meantime, not only bitcoins have come into the hands of the judiciary, but also other crypto currencies such as Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple and Monero.

The preparations for the auction are complex, but are in the final phase.

However, there is no specific auction date yet.


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Report to the state parliament