<Anchor> The

US has not responded much to North Korea's warning discourse yesterday (on the 16th).

The White House said it would not respond to North Korea's warnings against the United States, reaffirming that the focus of its policy toward North Korea is diplomacy and denuclearization.

The North Korean commander said North Korea had a worrisome success threatening the US mainland.

This is Kim Soo-hyung, correspondent from Washington.

<Reporter> To the

warning from North Korea's Vice President Kim Yeo-

jeong to

the United States, White House spokesman Jen Saki said he would not respond directly.

He emphasized that America's goal is to always focus on diplomacy and denuclearization.

Saki said the immediate focus is on working with and coordinating with allies on a variety of issues, including security.

At a parliamentary hearing, the commander of the northern United States said it has had worrisome success in an attempt to demonstrate North Korea's ability to threaten the US mainland with an intercontinental ballistic missile, an ICBM.

[Vanhurk/Northern US Commander: I am seriously concerned about the direction of the US missile defense system capabilities.] In

2017, we successfully tested three ICBMs that could put the US in range, and last October, the new ICBM was tested. They pointed out that they raised the threat by revealing them.

The US NBC reported that White House staff were upset when the US Department of Justice prosecuted three North Korean reconnaissance hackers for stealing virtual currency and expressed them as criminal gangs.

It is said that the intention is not to stimulate North Korea while the policy toward North Korea is being reviewed.

CNN cited high-ranking officials that North Korea is likely to be the first to provocate for the Biden government while looking at the results of US State and Defense Ministers' trips to Asia.