
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - Despite the suspension of vaccination with the preparation of the manufacturer Astrazeneca, the Left parliamentary group in the Brandenburg state parliament has demanded that all vaccination dates be maintained.

According to the Ministry of Health, a good 155,000 vaccine doses from Biontech / Pfizer and Moderna would be available by the end of March, said parliamentary group leader Sebastian Walter on Tuesday in the state parliament.

"This means that the 55,100 vaccination appointments that have been promised so far can be kept," emphasized Walter.

The Ministry of Health canceled around 22,500 vaccination appointments with Astrazeneca on Monday.

"We are facing the third lockdown and the testing does not work and the vaccination does not work," criticized Walter.

"We urgently need a differentiated picture of the vaccination situation - so that we know where, what and to whom is being vaccinated."

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