
Kiel (dpa / lno) - The SPD member of the state parliament Kai Dolgner has criticized the suspension of corona vaccinations with the Astrazeneca vaccine.

"Certainly every serious side effect must be clarified, but the decision to interrupt the vaccinations does more harm than good," said Dolgner on Tuesday the German press agency.

It means irreparable damage to the image.

"As a result, many will forego vaccination and some will also die as a result."

The background to the vaccination stop are reports of blood clots in connection with the vaccination process.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) wants to comment on how to proceed on Thursday.

The interruption would only make sense if the severity of the side effects outweighed the benefits and a withdrawal of approval was in the room, said Doglner.

"That's not the case."

The three tragically dead, with 1.5 million vaccinations, meant a possible risk of death of 1 in 500,000, said the MP.

"Even if I assume my personal infection risk is only 10 percent and my age-related death rate is 0.5 percent, my personal risk of dying from Corona would still be 1 in 2000 and thus 2500 times higher than with the vaccination."


Dolgner would therefore immediately be vaccinated with Astrazeneca.

"It would have been better to keep vaccinating and to inform the vaccinated people about the additional possible risk," said the doctor of chemistry.

He meticulously deals with the corona pandemic and keeps his own statistics on the infection process.

The member of the state parliament has been posting assessments of the corona situation - sometimes several times a day - for a year.

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