Professionals in the hotel and restaurant sector have indicated that they are working with the government on a reopening protocol in three stages, one month each.

For the moment, no timetable or epidemic threshold has been set for the start of its implementation. 

Three steps but no date.

Hotel and restaurant professionals said Tuesday they are working with the Ministry of the Economy to reopen their establishments in three stages, still without a schedule.

This progressive protocol of three phases, of one month each, or one quarter in total, should be put in place as soon as the government receives the green light.

Which will depend on two factors: the number of positive cases for Covid-19 and the number of people vaccinated.

For the moment, no threshold has been communicated.

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Distancing for the three phases 

The first step of this protocol only concerns hotel guests.

They can have breakfast in the hotel's dining room.

The employers of the sector also want in phase 1, hotel restaurants can also welcome their customers for dinner and that cafes and restaurants be allowed to open their terraces, but consultations are underway.


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One month later, in phase 2, bars and restaurants will be able to reopen with a gauge at 50% of their capacity, indoors but also on the terrace.

This intermediate step is crucial: if it goes well, the government will be able to move on to phase 3 and raise the gauges, while respecting the sanitary protocol.

Indeed, it will always be necessary to respect the distance meter between the tables, from phase 1 to phase 3. Customers will also be asked to scan a QR code with their phone in order to trace any positive cases.

Maintenance of financial aid and "discotheques" plan

The organizations were received in particular by Alain Griset, Minister Delegate in charge of small and medium-sized enterprises, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Secretary of State in charge of Tourism and Laurent Pietraszewski, Secretary of State attached to the Minister of Labor, within the framework of of a consultation launched by the Prime Minister on March 5.

At the economic level, according to the employers' organizations in the sector, this plan "will be accompanied by the maintenance of aid from companies, such as partial activity, the adaptation of the solidarity fund and the exemption from employer charges.

The government is also working on a "nightclub plan" for the end of March, as well as specific measures for caterers and party organizers, while bowling alleys are "associated with indoor venues", according to the same sources.


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Asked by AFP, Bercy considered it premature to communicate at this stage on a "cycle of consultations with professional organizations".

These "modalities of reopening the sector" will still have to be examined by the Ministry of Health and the interministerial crisis committee, it was specified.