“What was revealed in Bukovina is the so-called combovirus, which circulates in Ukraine along with COVID-19.

It is confirmed and has the characteristics of a British strain, which is a modification of the South African and Brazilian.

In addition, signs were found in it that have not yet been recorded by the WHO, "vesti.ua quotes him.

At the same time, one of the unpleasant signs of the "Ukrainian" strain is "its aggressiveness, rapid spread and" youth ", said the representative of the department.

According to him, the new strain was identified in Ukraine by scientists from the Institute of Epidemiology named after I.

Gromashevsky two weeks ago, and the WHO has already been informed about this.

In early March, in the Ivano-Frankivsk region, two cases of the disease with the British strain of COVID-19 were first detected.