At school, Odette had difficulty concentrating on the lessons.

An investigation concluded that she had four diagnoses: ADHD, dyslexia, asperger's and tourettes.

- I googled on asperger's and it became like a crash in the head, it did not go together.

"Never cried so much"

For several years she was tormented by receiving diagnoses whose symptoms she did not think matched her at all.

When she, after much deliberation, managed to be re-investigated, eight years had passed.

She will never forget the day she got the result.

- I have never cried so much, never been so happy.

It turned out that she had neither asperger's nor tourettes. That she had ADHD and dyslexia felt okay, the symptoms matched how she worked. And as an adult, she works really well. Today she works as a successful cellar master at a restaurant.