
Dippoldiswalde (dpa / sn) - Saxony's Minister of Health Petra Köpping (SPD) can imagine using the Russian corona vaccine in the Free State.

«We are open to that.

Of course, like all vaccines, it has to be tested, and if it is approved, we will be happy to vaccinate this vaccine here too, ”said Köpping on Monday in Dippoldiswalde.

Many older people in particular said that they had always been vaccinated with Russian vaccines in the past and that they always "survived".

A pilot project with corona vaccinations in general practitioners' practices began in Saxony on Monday.

Therefore, Köpping went to a practice in Dippoldiswalde (district of Saxon Switzerland-Eastern Ore Mountains).

As of now 39 medical practices are involved in the vaccinations against the coronavirus.

The aim is to "test the transition to regular vaccination by resident doctors in the area" at an early stage, "it said.

The selected model practices currently act as branch offices of a vaccination center.

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