
Bremen (dpa / lni) - The CDU Bremen moves with parliamentary group leader Thomas Röwekamp as the top candidate in the federal election.

The assembly of delegates elected him on Monday evening with 91.37 percent of the vote, the regional association announced.

The 54-year-old is also applying as a direct candidate in constituency 54 (Bremen-Stadt).

The 118 delegates confirmed the proposal of the state executive to draw up the list, it said.

Christine Schnittker follows in second place on the list, ahead of Wiebke Winter, who will also be running as a direct candidate for constituency 55 (Bremerhaven) in autumn.

Theresa Gröninger and Florian Dietrich follow in fourth and fifth place.

«I think we have chosen very strong candidates with the direct candidates and the list, who cover a broad spectrum of voters and have a lot of expertise.

Two out of five candidates are under 30, three out of five are women.

We can be really proud of that, because it shows how modern we are », the state chairman Carsten Meyer-Heder was quoted in the announcement.

The CDU Bremen has been represented in the Bundestag with Elisabeth Motschmann since 2013.

The state board had not nominated Motschmann again.


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