
Böllen (dpa / lsw) - In the smallest municipality in Baden-Württemberg, Böllen (district of Lörrach), the votes for the state election were counted within 15 minutes of the closing of the polling station.

According to Mayor Bruno Kiefer, it was already clear at 6.15 p.m. on Sunday how the citizens of the community with 107 inhabitants, 91 of whom were eligible to vote, had voted: The CDU became the strongest force with 15 votes, followed by the FDP with 14 votes.

The Greens, who in 2016 were ahead of the CDU with 26 votes, got 13 votes.

The SPD received 7 votes, the Left received 4. The AfD, The Party and the Free Voters each received one vote.

56 men and women voted.

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