At Ekeby wetland in Eskilstuna and Rördrommen's field station at Sörfjärden, activities have increased.

More people have become interested in birds and nature.

- I do not have exact figures, but we had perhaps twice as many visitors at the field station in Sörfjärden this summer than we usually have.

Then I have been in contact with the County Administrative Board and they say that more people seek out the nature reserves, says Sten Ullerstad at Eskilstuna nature conservation association.

More villa hook on the bird trend

He is supported by Eva Olofsson who is chairman of the ornithological club in Eskilstuna.

- Yes, we have noticed that interest in birds has increased and study associations have shown interest in catching on to this trend, she says.

Not much is required

According to ornithologist Leif Carlsson, it is easy to start watching birds.

- Not much stuff is needed, he says.

In the clip, Leif Carlsson talks about how easy it is to start bird watching and how Sörmland is as a bird county.