
Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) - The Greens have clearly defended their stronghold in Stuttgart and have clearly won all four direct mandates.

While the President of the State Parliament, Muhterem Aras, clearly prevailed against the political competition in her constituency with 44.8 percent of the votes and even gained 2.4 points compared to 2016, CDU top candidate Susanne Eisenmann experienced a debacle as an applicant in her constituency of Stuttgart II .

In the duel against Transport Minister Winfried Hermann it reached 21.7 percent, Hermann came to 39.8 percent.

He had already won the fight for the direct mandate in the bourgeois constituency in 2016 with 37.2 percent against the then CDU candidate Stefanie Schorn.

Also clearly won the Green Party leader Oliver Hildenbrand in constituency III with 33.9 percent.

As a successful direct candidate, he is following in the footsteps of Environment Minister Franz Untersteller, who received 30.7 percent five years ago and no longer ran for the state parliament.

State Secretary for Art Petra Olschowski won her direct mandate with 35.6 percent of the vote.

Her predecessor, Brigitte Lösch from the Greens (2016: 34.4 percent), has withdrawn from state politics.

She had won the direct mandate in the Stuttgart IV constituency twice.

Overall, the Greens in Stuttgart received 39 percent of the vote.

According to the district returning officer, voter turnout in the state capital was 64.8 percent below the level of the election five years ago (72.8 percent).


In 2016, the Greens won all four direct seats in Stuttgart, and for the first time since then, the Stuttgart CDU has not provided a member of the state parliament.

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