
Kiel (AP) - Schleswig-Holstein's Prime Minister Daniel Günther sees the CDU mask scandal as a reason for his party's slips in the state elections on Sunday.

"The results for the CDU in Baden-Württemberg and Rhineland-Palatinate are bitter," said the state chairman of the North CDU.

In both countries there were headwinds for the Christian Democrats.

"In the last few days in particular, the mask scandal has damaged us considerably."

According to Günther, the official bonus played the decisive role.

«I congratulate Malu Dreyer and Winfried Kretschmann.

You have a clear mandate to form a government each, ”he said, referring to Prime Minister Kretschmann (Greens / Baden-Württemberg) and Prime Minister Dreyer (SPD / Rhineland-Palatinate).

It is noticeable that in both countries the CDU and SPD, the parties of the grand coalition ruling Berlin, suffered losses, while the Greens and FDP were able to improve their results.

"That must also be an incentive for the Federal Government's further work," said Günther.


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