Amid public criticism from academics around the world against Mark Ramsey, a professor at Harvard University Law School, who distorted the history of Japanese military comfort women, a Japanese scholar, one of the leading researchers in the Japanese military comfort women research field, joined the public criticism.

Yoshimi Yoshiaki, professor emeritus at Chuo University in Japan, publicly criticized "Professor Ramzier's thesis is difficult to recognize as an academic paper" at an online seminar hosted by the Japanese civic group'Fight for Justice' on the afternoon of the 14th.

Professor Yoshimi refuted, pointing out the arguments that Professor Ramsey had made by denying the compulsion of recruiting Japanese comfort women.

In addition, such cases that Professor Ramsey does not discuss, pointing to the case of the late Go Seon-do grandmother who was actually kidnapped by a false explanation of a broker, or 20 Korean women who were deceived from Joseon and transferred to Myanmar by a false explanation, are not a normal contract. He stressed that it was a criminal offense corresponding to human trafficking for the purpose of overseas transport.

Professor Yoshimi criticized Ramsey's dissertation as closing his eyes, despite the fact that the Japanese government and the military created and maintained a "sex slave system" called the comfort women system.

In addition, based on Professor Park Yoo-ha's book ``Imperial Comfort Women,'' in his thesis, Professor Ramsey describes that some comfort women have earned enough money to make comfort stations, but there is no such description on the page of Professor Park's book. Professor Yoshimi refuted.

Professor Yoshimi pointed out that some Ramsey thesis did not provide evidence to support the claim or that some stories were spontaneous, and concluded that it was difficult to admit the thesis as an academic paper if viewed in this way.

(Photo = Zoom Capture, Yonhap News)