It was in mid-February that the elevator broke down in the five-storey house where Laleh Sobahti lives. She was on sick leave with a plastered hand and could not carry her 14-year-old dog up the four floors to get to her apartment.

So she moved in with an acquaintance who lives downstairs.

- I pay rent, but have not been able to get into my home, says Laleh Sobahti.

Have been a problem in the past

Laleh Sobahti has lived at Gårdstensbostäder since 2015 and according to her there have been problems with the lift before.

But never for such a long time.

She says that during the more than two weeks she tried to be told when the elevator would work again, but feels that she was tossed between Gårdstensbostäder and the elevator company and did not receive any information.

Once the elevator was repaired, Laleh was met by chocolate boxes that happened from all the doors in the stairwell along with a note from Gårdstensbostäder who regretted that the elevator was out of order.

What were you thinking when you saw the chocolate box on the door?

- So, I got a little angrier, actually.

It was not a packet of chocolate I needed.

I may need to understand or offer a lower rent, says Laleh Sobahti.

Due to a frozen tube

According to Gårdstensbostäder, it was a broken control card that made the elevator repair take so long.

- It is of course very unfortunate that it took so many days, but we could not do anything other than wait for this spare part, says Anki Caspersson who is a communicator at Gårdstensbostäder.

Anki Caspersson does not want to say at the moment whether Laleh Sobahti and her neighbors will receive any financial compensation.

- It is something that we have to discuss internally here, but it is of course completely unacceptable that the elevator was broken for such a long time, says Anki Caspersson.