
Potsdam (AP) - The head of the police union in Brandenburg (GdP) opposes the decision on the incompatibility of membership in the AfD and the GdP.

The GdP federal executive board had decided that simultaneous memberships in the AfD and the union are not compatible with each other.

"We are of the opinion that this is not legally tenable," said GdP state chairman Andreas Schuster on Saturday.

It is not feasible.

Party membership could only be used if someone ran publicly on an electoral list, said Schuster.

"You can also set a political example (...) by clearly delineating yourself."

The bodies of the regional association now wanted to discuss how to deal with the decision.

The “Märkische Allgemeine” (Saturday) had previously reported on it.

According to a position paper of the GdP, the AfD is an inhuman party that is neither committed to democracy nor to Germany's historical responsibility.


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GdP position paper