At home in Vellinge, there are more of the Hammarström siblings who are happy to sing.

When SVT Nyheter Skåne is visiting, Ellen, Adam, Anabel and Florian are at home.

Nine-year-old Adam sees Klara as a role model.

- Klara is absolutely fantastic, she is probably the best role model you can ever have if you are going to sing.

No matter what happens when she is in the final, I will still be proud of her, says Adam.

Little sister Ellen agrees.

- She does not give up.

In riding, you can fall off if you tear an obstacle and then it can get sour.

But Klara always has the attitude to drive, says Ellen.

Did you think she would go to the final?

- You can never be sure, but I thought it would be strange if she did not do it.

Although now we are very much a party to the goal but I think she is so fantastic and we are so proud of her, says mother Anna Hammarström.