
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The students in grades 7 to 9 should come back to schools before Easter.

Regular alternating lessons are then planned after the holidays, as Education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD) announced on Friday.

«We want the 7th, 8th

Bring the 1st and 9th grade into the schools in the week before Easter, from March 22nd, always in half grades and with mouth and nose covering, ”said Scheeres.

“We would proceed in such a way that the schools offer face-to-face teaching, so no hard alternating lessons.

That doesn't work in a week. "

After the Easter break, I continue with alternating lessons.

“The message is: We'll bring in the seventh to ninth graders, first and foremost it's about social contacts, about meeting the teacher again and talking about how are you, what's going to happen after the Easter break,” said Scheeres.

"How often this happens before Easter can be determined by the school, but all classes should come to the schools."

The SPD's proposal is supported by the Senator of Education.

Scheeres wants to introduce him to the Senate on Tuesday.

At the same time, the health administration will make further self-test capacities available for use in schools in the coming days and weeks.


The Berlin administrative court had declared the exclusion of individual grades from alternate classes on Wednesday to be illegal.

It had partially granted several urgent requests from students.

For the time being, however, the decision only applies to the students who turned to the court.

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Communication from the court on Wednesday