
Zwickau / Veßra Monastery (dpa) - The police searched several buildings in Zwickau and the Veßra Monastery in Thuringia for inciting hatred.

An 18-year-old is suspected, said the Zwickau police department on Friday.

At the beginning of 2020, he is said to have incited other young people to commit criminal acts.

The suspect, who was still a minor at the time of the crime, was found during the raid in Veßra Monastery.

The officers found several cell phones and laptops during the search on Thursday.

In addition, larger amounts of digital data were backed up.

In Zwickau, the officials did not discover any evidence.

Almost 40 officers were deployed for the raid - including forces from the state criminal investigation offices of Thuringia and Saxony.

The Zwickau public prosecutor's office is investigating the case.

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