
Potsdam / Cottbus (dpa) - The Special Committee on Structural Change in Lusatia in the Brandenburg State Parliament has warned that federal funds should be used for structural change in the region and not be used for purposes other than those for which they were intended.

"The federal government and the state must cooperate even more closely and make joint decisions," said committee chairman Wolfgang Roick (SPD) on Friday.

It is to be welcomed that the federal government is providing financial support for structural policy projects on site for the first time in many decades.

However, these would have to be borne jointly so that the funds used can also work “particularly well”.

In an application, the special committee requests the minister and head of the Brandenburg State Chancellery, Kathrin Schneider, to prioritize the projects for the state of Brandenburg and to report to the committee on an ongoing basis.

In addition, it must be ensured, among other things, that the federal government "sufficiently" takes into account the strategic goals of the state for structural development when selecting the projects, it says.

The background to the discussion is, among other things, the construction of a site for the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Wildau.

A center for artificial intelligence in research on public health is to be established there.

Around 100 workplaces are planned according to the RKI.

The construction will be financed with subsidies from the Structural Strengthening Act of the Coal Region.


Every project started must be financially thought through to the end, emphasized the SPD politician.

Starting projects without being able to fully finance them would not contribute to change - at most they would cause displeasure.

“One thing is clear: the country's negotiating position must be strengthened.

The structural funds are intended for structural change in Lusatia, they can neither be used for other purposes nor for other purposes. "

The special committee, set up in September last year, is intended to accompany the structural development in Lusatia and support its transparency.

The committee should submit a final report to the state parliament at least three months before the end of the electoral term.

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