China News Service, March 12, according to US media reports, on the evening of the 11th local time, US President Biden delivered his first prime-time national speech since taking office at the White House.

Biden said that he plans to discuss the next steps in response to the new crown epidemic.

  Biden said: "A year ago, we were attacked by a virus. People were silent and the virus spread uncontrollably." This led to more deaths, more infections, more stress and more. Much loneliness.

The picture shows US President Biden.

  He said that 2020 is full of the passing of life and the loss of life.

But in the process of losing, we have seen how much we can gain from appreciation, respect, and gratitude. Finding light in the dark is what Americans should do.

  Biden said that he plans to discuss the next steps in response to the new crown epidemic.

  He pointed out that he will use his administrative power to allow all states, tribes and regions to open vaccination to all adults before May 1.

  Biden also said that July 4th, Independence Day, will be set as a target date, when all Americans can get together with family and friends.

But he also warned that in order to do this, people need to continue to be vigilant, wear masks, maintain social distancing, and get vaccinated if they meet the conditions.