
Kiel (dpa / lno) - In another company in the Plön district, thousands of animals have to be killed because of the avian influenza.

As the Ministry of Agriculture announced on Friday, the farm has around 53,000 laying hens.

All animals must be killed according to the requirements of the Avian Influenza Ordinance.

Just last weekend, avian influenza was detected for another farm in the Plön district.

76,000 animals were killed there.

"The fact that so many animals have to be killed again within just a few days makes me personally very upset," said Agriculture Minister Jan Philipp Albrecht (Greens).

Avian influenza has so far been detected in ten farms with a total of around 134,000 animals in Schleswig-Holstein.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210312-99-799954 / 2

FLI on avian influenza


Animal Disease Information System of the FLI

Ministry of the Environment SH on avian influenza