
Berlin (dpa) - Companies affected by the Corona crisis will now again receive down payments from the federal government as part of November, December and bridging aid III.

"The advance payments for Corona aid programs start again today," said Federal Minister of Economics Peter Altmaier (CDU) of the "Rheinische Post" (Friday).

“This is good news for our company.

Due to cases of fraud, the advance payments had to be stopped at short notice beforehand. "

The federal government stopped payments at the end of last week after several cases of fraud.

«The short-term interruption of the advance payments was legally required and necessary in order to check irregularities in exchange with the criminal investigation authorities, but also the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and the Federal Ministry of Finance and to take precautions to prevent such attempts at fraud from being repeated in the future prevent, "said a ministry spokeswoman for the paper.


Since November, as of Friday, around 9.6 billion euros have already been transferred to those affected, according to the ministry.

With the November and December aid, 96 percent of the advance payments are already in the accounts of the recipients.

The further disbursement of the November and December aid will be made by the federal states.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs announced last week that there was “in some cases” the suspicion that government aid funds were illegally obtained.

This involves down payments, so to speak, advances on state aid, and regular payments.

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