
Saarbrücken (dpa / lrs) - In Saarland, all students go back to schools at least temporarily from Monday.

After the elementary school and 5th and 6th grades, the remaining grades now follow alternating classes, as the Ministry of Education in Saarbrücken announced.

This means that the around 120,000 schoolchildren in Saarland will be involved again in face-to-face operations.

Exceptions are the around 4,000 prospective high school graduates, for whom the regular teaching time ended on Friday.

The primary schools in Saarland started on February 22nd with a mix of lessons between presence in the classroom and learning from home.

The 5th and 6th grades and the high school graduation class 2022 have been there since March 8th - so that so far around 62,000 children and young people have been taught at least alternately.

After the Easter break, the ministry wants to fully return to face-to-face teaching if the pandemic allows.

The Ministry of Transport is again using so-called booster buses to ensure that students can safely get to and from schools while observing the distance rules: From March 15, at least 113 additional buses will be in use every day for 241 trips, the ministry said on Friday.

The state takes over 100 percent of the "amplifier trips" for transporting schoolchildren.

Since August 2020, around 2.35 million euros have been spent on it, it said.


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What currently applies to schools and daycare centers in Saarland?