In 2020, Skellefteå Airport became one of the first in the country to no longer emit any carbon dioxide.

The planes that operate at the airport are far from equally climate-friendly.

That is where the next big change will take place, according to Robert Lindberg.

- Making the airport fossil-free was step one, now we have entered step two, he says.

Biofuel, hydrogen and electricity

The municipal airport intends to take the lead in aviation's environmental change during the year will provide bio-jet fuel and the country's most powerful electric poles for electric aircraft.

In addition, there are plans for investments in hydrogen flights.

Already in 2023, the ambitious goal is to be able to buy a plane ticket for a trip with an airplane.

Short trips

The flight distance is still unclear - but it is initially about small planes and shorter trips.

- Maybe over Kvarken, says Robert Lindberg.

Why does a municipally owned airport that shows red numbers in the financial statements every year want to be at the forefront of such a large environmental investment?

- It is so that my and your children can live and work here, says Robert Lindberg.