
Neumünster (dpa / lno) - The red kite is to be specially protected in central Schleswig-Holstein with a sponsorship project.

The background to this is the discovery of 19 dead red kites in an area east and south-east of Neumünster in the past three years.

Investigations have shown that several of the strictly protected birds of prey perished on an insect control agent that has not been approved for years, the State Office for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Areas (LLUR) announced on Thursday.

An important part of the project are nest sponsorships, for which volunteers are sought.

When protecting the sea eagles, there have been good experiences with intensive guarding of the eyries.

The sponsors should accompany and document the breeding process from mid-March to mid-July.

According to the LLUR, around half of all red kites breed in Germany worldwide.

The species is strictly protected.

According to the Nabu, between 14,000 and 16,000 breeding pairs live in Germany.


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