
March 11, 2021 "We are moving in the direction of an extension of the redundancy freeze".

This was stated by the Minister of Labor, Andrea Orlando, in a hearing on the programmatic lines of the dicastery in the labor committee of the Senate.

The minister then explained that the extension of the redundancy block, included in the Dl Sostegno, in the case of "workers who have ordinary tools at their disposal will, in some way, be linked to a deadline that will be definitive. Instead for those who are not covered by ordinary instruments will be linked to a reform of social safety nets ".

The crisis generated by the pandemic has penalized young people more and women and temporary workers, who are more often women and young people, underlined the Minister of Labor.

According to Orlando "we must avert by all means the risk of a lost generation".

In particular - Orlando pointed out - the age group between 14 and 34, while representing only a quarter of employment employed by the non-agricultural private sector, contributed more than half to the loss of jobs.

Orlando stressed that Italy remains the country with the lowest female activity and employment in the EU, more than 10 points below the Union average.

"These numbers - he said - require action both by using indirect instruments already foreseen that must be strengthened and put into the system, such as reductions and contributions, and through direct interventions for the recovery of female employment. In particular, using the resources of the Next Generation EU to enhance social infrastructure ". 

Citizenship income and emergency income require "maintenance and adaptation".

Alongside these tools, "others will be identified above all to deal with a phenomenon that is in recent months, these weeks, which is that of the sudden impoverishment of the middle class", said the Minister of Labor.

The minister explained that "poverty continues to grow not only for those without work but also for those who have a job. We are facing the dramatic theme of poor work, a job that fails to offer stability and security to people. ".

"The serious impact of the pandemic was contained - continued the minister - both by structural measures to contrast, such as citizenship income, and those implemented during the emergency".

The audience of beneficiaries "of citizenship income - he explained - has grown steadily in the months of the health emergency to involve one and a half million families".

To it "have been added the beneficiaries of emergency income that amount to over 300 thousand households", added the minister.

Thanks to these tools "the health crisis and the consequent economic crisis - said Orlando - have not yet become a social crisis".

The government "will be called upon to act" to address "major crises, such as those of Ilva and Alitalia, on which a qualitative leap is necessary", Orlando finally said.