
Berlin (dpa / bb) - The vaccinations against the corona virus began on Thursday in the first medical practices in Berlin.

This was announced by the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KV).

Around 100 practices have been selected for a pilot project.

You invite your own patients who suffer from a chronic illness.

The preparation is used by Astrazeneca.

Health Senator Dilek Kalayci (SPD) tweeted on Wednesday that Berlin was starting the announced project with 150 practices.

"We provide the 37,500 required vaccination doses for the initial vaccinations."

Because of the limited vaccine, according to KV, only a certain number of practices can be commissioned and supplied.

In the past 24 hours alone, more than 350 practices have been registered with a query.

As soon as enough vaccine is available, further practices will be gradually integrated.

It is regrettable that two and a half months after the start of vaccination at the end of December there is still not enough vaccine available to start general care.

According to the information, the currently selected practices are mostly general practitioners' practices, but also practices for diabetics and cancer patients.

"How many vaccinations there will be per practice and day depends primarily on the amount of vaccine delivered," says the KV.


From the second quarter onwards, vaccinations are to be carried out across the board in medical practices.

According to the Berlin Senate, there are currently 9,000 vaccinations per day in the vaccination centers and by mobile teams.

Up to 20,000 vaccinations are currently possible per day.

According to the federal government's announcement, the number of vaccine doses available will increase significantly in the second quarter.

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Communication KV



Corona situation in Berlin

Infection Protection Ordinance