
Potsdam (dpa / bb) - Brandenburg has fallen in favor of bicycle tourists.

This was the result of a cycle trip analysis presented on Thursday by the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC).

The country must be careful that it is not left behind as a travel region, said the advisor at the ADFC Brandenburg, Tino Freißler.

There are justifiably high expectations of the route network - with good, wide cycle paths and reliable supply.

The reasons for the falling popularity are seen in the infrastructure and planning.

In many places, taking bicycles on trains is problematic: it is not uncommon for travelers with bicycles to be simply left standing because the bicycle compartment is overcrowded, it was said.

State politicians urgently need to increase capacities here.

Often different bodies are also responsible for a cycle path.

Brandenburg could not afford to be left behind as a cycling region.

According to the information, cycle tourism brings an annual turnover of 850 million euros.

The state is benefiting from a new federal program for long-distance cycle paths, from which around 45 million euros will be made available to the states by 2023, as the Ministry of Transport announced in Potsdam on Thursday.

Every investment in a better cycling infrastructure is one for more environmentally friendly transport, said Minister Guido Beermann (CDU).


The German Unity Cycle Route and various other routes run in parts of the Brandenburg area.

This year, around 30 million euros are available for cycling in the country through other programs.

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ADFC Brandenburg