
Frankfurt / Main (dpa) - Greenpeace activists protested against the monetary policy of the European Central Bank with paragliders.

Two paragliders landed on the roof of the entrance building on Wednesday morning.

There they unrolled a twelve meter long banner that read: “Stop funding Climate Killers”.

Another activist on a third paraglider presented a flight banner.

According to Greenpeace, the action was directed “against the climate-damaging monetary policy of the central banks”.

According to the authors, a study published by Greenpeace and various research institutes shows “that the ECB is systematically undermining climate protection”.

Greenpeace called for “a monetary policy strategy based on the Paris climate agreement”.

There is controversy among central bankers and economists as to whether and to what extent central banks should consider climate factors in their monetary policy.

Critics argue that including climate targets would water down monetary policy goals.

Proponents, on the other hand, see risks for financial stability if the climate factor is not or insufficiently taken into account by monetary policy.


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